
2019 Retrofit project

May 13, 2020

With the goal of exploring how much the energy consumption, and thereby CO2 emission, can be reduced through retrofittable and proven technological solutions, 20 members of Green Ship of the Future have done a project series with a sample of high-volume vessels. Three different vessels, Hafnia Lise, Victoria Seaways, and Maersk Tianjin were explored and...

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C-voucher: cirkulær økonomi

October 21, 2018

C-VOUCHER åbner for ansøgninger: Få støtte til at omstille din virksomhed til cirkulær økonomi 22/10/2018 Er din virksomhed en SMV fra fremstillings-, fødevare-, sundheds- eller tekstilindustrien eller den maritime sektor? Og har I en idé til, hvordan jeres forretning eller produktion kan tilpasses i en mere bæredygtig retning? Så er der mulighed for at blive...

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Business Model Innovation: Shipping in a Circular Economy

October 9, 2018

With this project we deep dive into the convergence of circular economy, digitization and innovation, to explore the maritime opportunity space and the role of shipping as an enabler of a global circular transition and in particular the new business models derived by this. Circular Economy (CE) is a recognized concept for sustainable growth and...

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Digitization for de-carbonization

March 27, 2018

To what degree will digitization and digital technologies help us deliver on environmental sustainability? According to the World Economic Forum: “Digital innovations can, […], drive society towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and shore up the three pillars on which they are built: improving quality of life, fostering equitable growth and protecting the environment.” And: “The digital...

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Ambition 1.5 degree: Global Shippings Action Plan

November 28, 2017

On nov. 13th 2017 during the COP23 event in Bonn, Germany. GSF co-organized an event with the ambition of making the maritime industry explore the road to low emission shipping and de-carbonization of the industry. 150 delegates from 25 countries participated in the event. GSF will continue to work with the recommendations from the event,...

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April 6, 2017

Background and purpose Statistically, more than 50% of the global “feeder fleet” is older than 10 years. This leaves considerable room for technology and operational improvement. The feedership segment is particularly interesting from an environmental perspective, because it mainly operates in near coastal areas. A reduction of emissions will, consequently, contribute to an improvement in...

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3D print in the maritime industry (III)

December 15, 2016

3D print in the Maritime Industry: from concept to implementation With this project, we explored how different stakeholders in the maritime industry can use 3D Print and AM technology to develop and improve a product and/or service ahead of competitors. The partners deep dived into four specific cases of relevance to their core business: On...

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